I bought the Leshiy 2 about a year ago. I do like the gun. But there are a few things abut it that annoy me to the point that I will most likely sell it. Changing magazines is one of them. I am sitting at the bench, and the whole thing is a disaster with the folding stock. When the stock is folded the rifle will not stay upright. Especially, if you are on a range and others are next to you, the fiddling looks bad. Next, I find 8 shots too low for a mag. It almost kills the purpose of the semi auto. Then, the low shot count. I get around 50-60 shots with a fill. This with the standard cylinder, .22 cal, 250mm barrel, factory tune. Finally, I find it a bit too loud even with the MOD40. It does look great with the MOD40 though and the aluminum guard. I also like that it is light, portable, and accurate. The same auto aspect is fun too.
So I am going to sell the L2, and order an Impact M3. What attracts me about the M3 is the shot count, mag size, and the ability to easily tune it.
Question for Impact M3 guys:
1. FX shows the Impact getting "up to" 330 shots with .22 pellets. I guess that is with the 580 cc bottle, and some very low pressure for some light pellets. What do you guys get at 890 fps with a .22 18.1 grain? Sniper vs Standard?
2. The M3 is a good bit heavier than the L2. How does it feel to walk around with the gun?
3. Did you measure the dB of your M3 at around 890 fps? If so, please post it.
Thanks for the help!