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Neighbor boy is a natural!!

I’ve hired Dominick to help me with some of my shop work and we have had three shooting sessions so far after work is done.
He’s a natural! He had only shot BB guns and air soft guns, and look how good he did with the P17 at 10 yards!
He is already hooked on it, and I gave him the P17 with the pistol scope as his own gun. I asked his mom first of course!
He’s had a very difficult life, father in prison for domestic violence and much worse.
He is a pretty serious kid, but a shooting session takes him away from the crap for awhile.
He’s spending yesterday’s pay on fireworks lol! So I gave him a fist full of quarters to help make the bag bigger.
Remember those days, waiting for the firecracker stand to open? Magic time lol!



"Low end" FX Impact M3

Why are people referring to the FX impact M3 as a "low end" "entry level" or "cheep" air rifle. At around three grand for a build I would hardly call that low end or cheap. They have some of the best technology around and shoot amazingly well.

Also, why so much flack about selling accessories that are expensive and not included with the stock rifle? Are these just complaints from people that don't understand manufacturing and marketing? Surely if they have ever owned or built an AR, they would not be complaining.

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  • Question
New guy hunting questions. FX DREAM-TACT COMPACT

Hello all,

I have some questions... This will likely be a long thread and in my past forum exploits I should know not to make this long of a post because people stop reading about 1/4 the way through, I have highlighted questions. I've been searching for answers for the last week with Google and this forums search function... here I am without answers.

That being said. I am looking to buy my first PCP. I have a Crossman/Mendoza r77 springer that meets 40% of my needs but when facing nuisance critters it just does not have the performance. I donated a .177 Crossman wad cutter to one of 4 racoons the other night and it appears all I did was ruin his evening for a while.. So the problems...

First a racoon or opossum are very determined critters. In the past I just used 22 LR or 12 gage to hunt or remove them from the buildings but since most encounters are in concrete and tin buildings its been the 12 gage with very strategic firing lanes with me physically running after them or setting up ambushes. I can no longer use the 12g because the buildings have been filled up with shotgun sensitive items and desirable animals along with me not being young enough to run them down like I used to.

I tried doing some searching. For power requirements every forum/article parrots at least 25 FPE for coon.... thats all fine and dandy but no one appears to have minimum FPE to gage effective range. So...

Does anyone know the effective FPE of a projectile against a racoon at distance?

22LR looked to be effective on racoons up to about 200 feet back when I hunted them with dogs but its a lot of work to reverse engineer the data . Especially without B.C. of the ammo I used over a decade ago. I know around 39 grains at 900-1000 fps or whatever 22 CB short someone handed me in the dark in suburban areas to be quiet.. That is going to be a problem with my gaging this whole deal.

Opossums aperantly require the 50 BMG because I've hit them with my car at 70 mph and they've rolled along just to get up and wonder off after the inconvenience... but I think what would work on a coon would apply with proper shot placement.

I'm a firearm guy looking at the airgun world the same way a GM mechanic looks at a Dodge vehicle. These both go down the road but what does that do and how does it work? Exterior ballistics is something I research while reloading for my bigger firearms and I research it a lot.

I reached out to Utah Airguns with my dilemma and they recommended the FX wildcat and the FX tact compact both in .22. The wildcat is is a bull pup and whether or not its the same or not. I HATE bull pup triggers and ergonomics on firearms. The added barrel length may be helpful in this case.

With the nature of the engagements in buildings and the availability and price of 22 LR ammunition offerings locally I am investigating possible replacement of the 22LR with PCP. My other uses are starling removal from my house area, squirrel hunting, rabbit hunting, and general plinking. I'm hoping for a crossover because this FX rivals the prices I've paid firearms including 22LR race guns.

The compactness, folding stock for cow stansion traversal and adjustability of the dream-tact compact is appealing along with its modularity similar to the scary black rifle making news regularly. However when it comes to the scary black rifles. I build them for one purpose and leave them set that way. Its only downside is that the dream-tact compact is 1 pound to heavy and doesn't have much for 2 point slings and lights. Any ideas?

What I can not figure out is if it will do double duty without out major modifications.

How much can I get out of a tune by just setting it to low and changing the hammer spring without touching the screw?

So this unit will apparently turn down with the dial. Seperate from that adjustment screw. The manual doesn't get to specific on any of this.

What is the average velocity of this thing with its preffered pellet on low? It appears everyone buys a small gun and tries to tune it like a big gun and this information is hard to come by.

Because I need to turn this down for inside buildings to reduce over penetration and ricochet I was contemplating a lower weight slug as a possibilty while the twist rate (unknown) may not stabilize this perfectly and at this velocity if the slug doesn't tumble or break the pellet probe the added weight might increase the FPE enough to be effective at 20 feet against these ornery little thieves at low velocity.

So my other questions on this unit are:

Is it worth while to carry a seperate stock tank while hunting? Or so these lose a lot of pressure when changing them? I do not like the bottle.

What is the stock twist rate?

What is the stock non adjusted trigger pull weight to break at the second stage?
It appears to be not adjustable for take up weight just travel. My favorite 2 stage trigger is 2 pound take up on the short travel distance with a 4-5 pound second stage break. This allows for finding the trigger and feeling it set with thin gloves on. It gets cold here.

What is everyone favorite method of a compressor that doesn't require a mortgage or and addition to the house?

Is there a cost effective optic brand that doesn't lose zero?
Otherwise I will stick with my home states brand of Vortex.

Thanks in advance.

Complete noob

All - brand new here - wanting to get into the PCP game but don’t have a fortune to spend (that was done in fly fishing …). Looking for an all around hunter/shooter in a bullpup configuration - I am considering the Air Venturi Avenger BP in .22 cal, though I’m not enamored with the high scope rail. 30 year Army vet - never shot less than an expert score using M-16A1, M-16A2, M-4, and M-9. Only saying they because my standards for accuracy and dependability are high. Any advise, personal experience, or suggestions will be most welcome. I currently shoot a Gamo break barrel 10 shot mag toy in .177 with a UTC Bug Buster but am not impressed. Looking forward to sharing info, experience, and tighter groups!


FX Carbon sleeve liner loose fit- fix with heavy grease?


Just installed a carbon liner sleeve ( from ( AG Utah) on my .22 impact 600mm barrel. The barrel was snug in the new carbon tube. However there was a little bit of play between the outer barrel tube and the carbon tube.

I have heard some owners have epoxied the carbon sleeve. Too permanent!.

Less permanent solution - brushed a light coat of heavy marine red bearing grease on the carbon tube . This took away any play. Now a thin layer of thick grease is trapped between the barrel outer sleeve and the carbon tube. Haven't shot it yet, but what to you think of this method?

Take care,

NLA Daystate Air Wolf 22 - Heliboard, Beautiful wood - Price Lowered

I have a new Safari (here) listed as well. Since I only shoot backyard at less than 25 yards I don’t need both, and since both shoot accurately at 50 yards I’m liisting both and will keep whichever doesn’t sell.

Added high power Heliboard, Hugget shroud and moderator, and gunsmith installed custom 20 MOA picatinny rail drilled and tapped. (Also includes original shroud and moderator)

Mint condition - no marks of flaws, never left the backyard and always off a bench.

$1750 OBO.


NLA Fwb 300s

For sale is a nicely refinished 300s with about 95% blueing. Seals are new, but the problem is my gunsmith is not an airgunsmith and doesnt want to try and fix the sledge. I'd like to get what I paid for it ...$525 and I'll pay the shipping. If you are interested in it PM your phone number to discuss the sale over the phone. I can give you my personal info during that time as well as email you pictures with a note, todays paper or whatever people are doing to prove their authenticity.
Thanks for looking.
I will try and post one picture of it in the hard case it arrived in.

HW97K Piston Weight Reduction

So I'm mostly thinking out loud here but figured I'd write it down and see what the experts think.

Today I re-tuned (snipped 2 coils, nothing crazy) my 97K from 12fpe, down to 10.5fpe with 8.44 JSB Exacts. It shot well which is what I was hoping for but the gun still has that 97K snap to it. For fun, I tried the JSB 10.3gr pellets. Well wouldn't you know it they grouped almost identically and possibly a bit better over a 20 shot group. My big takeaway from that was that the gun felt less snappy and the reticle stayed on target MUCH better through the shot cycle.

This got me thinking that maybe my piston may be a bit heavier than nessasary for those 8.44gr pellets. Would tossing the piston in the lathe and turning away some of the piston fat be beneficial for me. Obviously I don't want to go too light but I can't imagine losing 10٪ or so would do anything other than make the gun shoot nicer.

Any thoughts or concerns?
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SOLD FX Royale 400 .22 Laminate - SOLD

Sales Rules:
  • I am only accepting PayPal or Venmo for this sale.
  • CONUS shipping is included in the asking price.
  • I will go based on PM timestamp.
  • Please - no trades for this sale.
  • I have bought and sold here on AGN for 4+ years with a good track record.
I purchased this FX Royale 400 Laminate from AoA used this past week. After just a few days I know I'm more of a bullpup/mini-carbine kinda guy and the form isn't going to work for me personally.

Aside from my personal feeling on the form this rifle shoots phenomenally well. Seems to be very accurate with the JSB 15/18/25grn options. Pushing the 18grs @ 920fps on high. The 3 level adjustment is very nice to have (Med is 700 fps and Low is 500 fps). I was also surprised how light the rifle is. Backyard friendly on Low and Med. High has a small bark - but at 33.5fpe that makes sense.

Comes as shown with 1 magazine in FX Box. No fill probe was supplied to me with the gun, but all you need is an extended foster.

I paid $1199 to AoA.

Price: $1100 Shipped SOLD
FXRoyale - 1.jpeg

FXRoyale - 2.jpeg

SOLD AGT Vixen Long 177

Selling my Vixen 177 long. Absolutely nothing wrong. Gun is super accurate and super light. Custom carbon shroud with Tatsu moderator. I didn't do the work but it looks factory and they did a fantastic job. Shooting 8gr JSB around 940fps 1/2" groups at 50yrds and will one hole them at 30yrds. Only reason I'm selling is wife purchased me another Vixen 177 for my Bday not realizing I had one since it looks a bit different. Comes with hard case, 2 mags, sekhmet gauge, eagle vision fill probe. $900 shipped in CONUS. PP FF or you pay fees. Can also do Venmo. Call or text me if you have questions 520-965-7362 Ed. I've sold and purchased here many times so no worries.
View attachment 20220703_121257.jpgView attachment 20220703_120948.jpgView attachment 20220703_121301.jpgView attachment 20220703_121025.jpg

SOLD Athlon Argos BTR Gen - FFP 6-24 X 50 mil reticle scope

Like new condition in original box Athlon Argos BTR 30mm scope. With flip covers, turret wrench, zero washers, cleaning cloth, and manual. Illuminated mil reticle. The front flip cover spring is missing, though I'm certain that Argos will replace it for free, I'm adding in a set of scope rings as compensation for the inconvenience. PayPal F&F $290.00 OBO shipped UPS to the lower 48.

SOLD Mint Aea hp ss plus .30 -$450

Super mint - fired maybe 150 rounds through it . No issues - always well maintained and stored safely. Never had any issues with this thing , it shoots great all throughout a fill. I get 3-4 magazines off of a 2800 psi fill

Bought this new 4 months ago from Utah Air. Not looking for any trades. No red dot included

2 magazines , fill nozzle , spare o rings

450 mailed
475 with 3 brand new tins of assorted ammo

These usually go for 569 plus 50 shipping and tax - .

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  • Poll
Pick your poison, then tell us why?

Pick your poison, then tell us why?!

  • 1. AirMaks Caiman

    Votes: 2 2.6%
  • 2. Daystate Delta Wolf

    Votes: 13 16.9%
  • 3. Edgun Leshiy 2

    Votes: 18 23.4%
  • 4. AAA Paradigm

    Votes: 29 37.7%
  • 5. FX Impact M3

    Votes: 15 19.5%


Pick your poison!

1. Airgun: @AirMaksarms Caiman .22
Scope: @dedalnvoptics LPVO
Mount: @sportsmatchscopemounts
Mod: @donnyfl Tatsu

2. Airgun: @daystate_factory_uk Delta Wolf .25
Scope: @nightforce_optics NX8
Mounts: @sportsmatchscopemounts
Mod: @0dbsilencers Magnum
Rail: PRS

3. Airgun: @EDgunWest Leshiy 2 .22
Scope: @sigsauerinc Romeo 8 + Juliet Magnifier

4. Airgun: @americanairarms Evol Paradigm .30
Scope: @nightforce_optics NX8
Mounts: @sportsmatchscopemounts
Mod: @donnyfl Fatboy 2.0

5. Airgun: @fxairgunsweden Impact M3 .22
Scope: @element_optics Nexus
Mounts: @sportsmatchscopemounts
Grip: @ergoair
Rail: @scandinavianairguns
