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Demolition Ranch Video “More Powerful Than 9mm” Will Have Bad Consequences

Just saw the Demo Ranch You Tube video “Airguns More Powerful Than a 9mm?” where Matt does impressive penetration tests on a ballistic torso using AEA big bores. Guns, ammo and gear were provided by Utah Airguns, DonnyFL, the Pellet Shop and AEA in exchange for his promotion.

Stupid way to get a lot more regulation quicker than ever ~ Do you really think a politician is going to care about the nuance between calibers after they see a ballistic gel dummy get blown apart no different than an AR15 or deer slug? Do you really think they’ll continue to carry on as most of us do now when they see the potential revenue stream from regulating and licensing?

Don’t you suspect that someone from Everytown for Gun Safety or any other anti-2A group monitors popular gun media? (Of course they do!)

Every American air gunner will be affected with their freedom to shoot unfettered taken away or severely diminished by the gun grabbers’ zeal. And this video gives them the perfect ammunition to do just that. Matt clearly demonstrates with a human like head and torso what kind of damage an airgun can do.

Matt’s You Tube channel gets millions of views, including enemies of airgunners (such as every goon in the Alphabet org).

I’ve spent $5k-plus with Utah, Donny and TPS but never again, I’m done. Can’t abide doing business with people who are both greedy and dumb.

It’s idiotic. Sell a ton of AEAs or other big bores this Fall for a short term profit only to curtail the sport for millions of quiet, legal and discrete airgunners.

Airgun VS Rimfire for hunting

Few weeks ago I decided to head out to another remote location where I was able to film for a few videos. Terry, Marley and I loaded up the Jeep and headed several hours North where we planned to setup camp, do some hunting and scout a few new areas. The place we setup camp was a working cattle ranch during 1891 but years later was abandoned due to lack of water.


This location was one of few that offered some shade from the sun, with temperatures getting up over 110 degrees. This area does have a natural spring that we later found was a huge blessing to be able to cool off after a long day of hiking.



We did pack fairly minimal with each of us packing more as you would do for a backpacking trip, lightweight tents, dry foods and of coarse plenty of water. By 8:00am it was already into the high 80's with a nice breeze coming through the valley. For this trip I had brought the American Air Arms EVOL, the standard version in .22 caliber. To give some of you a backstory on this rifle it was part of the Airgun Survival Challenge where I took three high end Airguns and tortured them. This rifle had been drowned, dragged, run over and thrown off a cliff and survived with little more than cosmetic damage. The EVOL shoots the 20.3gr slugs at 980 producing just about 43FPE at the muzzle. I had been using the Redesigns but have found the slugs to be far superior with near twice the BC.



Terry brought both his Edgun Lieshy Classic as well as his Tikka TX1 chambered in 17hmr, an excellent varmint rifle that produces just about 222 FPE at the muzzle and very capable to ranges out around 200 yards. This area has vast open terrain with steep rolling hills with patches of dense sagebrush, a very difficult place to hunt. I figured it would be interesting to see how each rifle performs under the same hunting environment.



Terry, Marley and I set out on foot and headed North away from camp where we had encountered plenty of Jackrabbits in some past trips. This area has a ton of lava rock on the hillsides making it somewhat dangerous so much care needed to be taken while navigating this terrain.




I spotted my first Jackrabbit at 48 yards moving through some sagebrush where I was able to get a shot off, these jacks can be tough animals and will run up to 60 or so yards before expiring. Having a dog like Marley is imperative in this type of rugged environment and she's about as professional as they come with what she does.

*NOTE I was willing and ready to do a full write up of my adventure but this new forum format won't allow me to attach more than 10 files, without the pictures I don't feel as though my story will come across very entertaining. Hopefully this problem can be resolved as the new forum progresses.

Not to waste any time I will list a few things out of our experience and leave the video link to check out for those interested to do so.


  • Fairly inexpensive initial cost to purchase rifle
  • Capable of ranges out around 200 yards fairly easily
  • 200+ FPE
  • Lightweight
  • Excellent Durability
  • Low Maintenance
  • Higher velocity for moving targets

  • Ammo can be limited, expensive and cannot be reloaded
  • Loud
  • Unreliable (rimfires prone to misfires) This happened several times on the trip
  • Depending on how much ammo you carry it can get heavy

AIRRIFLE PROS (This may only apply to the rifle used)
  • Pellets/Slugs inexpensive and easier to find over rimfire and can be made by the user
  • Capable of ranges out to 200+ yards
  • Lightweight and Short
  • Excellent Durability
  • Excellent Reliability
  • Quiet
  • Expensive Initial Cost
  • Limited Air Capacity (Need a hand pump or other reliable air source to fill in field)
  • Lower velocity requires a bit more leade ahead for moving targets

I'm sure I missed a few things, feel free to add to this list as I think it would be helpful. (Those of you wanting to bring politics or any of that into this thread please move along as I'm not interested)


Uragan enigma.

Since I bought my Uragan it has given me nothing but headaches, I have 2 Vulcan and never give any issues.
Hope someone with more knowledge can help me solve the enigma.

I charge the pcp to 250 bars, and the groups open up (please see the atached picture), but when it reachs 100-110 bars the point where the regulator breaks the groups are very tight.

Distance to the bull 41 metres.

WhatsApp Image 2022-06-28 at 1.29.56 PM.jpeg

I refill again to 250 bars and the groups open again.

The regulator gives me the following numbers,

Initial pressure , 250 bars.
JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy.
Fx radar.
11 shots String.
AVG - 907 FPS

As soon as the pressure reaches 100 bars on the gauge, the numbers are,

Any magic potion for this enigma?

Thanks in advance for you time and responses.
Best regards GHBF.

SOLD American Air Arms EVOL .30

Up for grabs,
is my 3 month new AmericanAirArms Evol .30.
Bought new the 1st of April from D.Wall.
It came shooting a little too loud, so I sent it back to have Derrick turn it down a little. I got it back with a much more backyard friendly note. Gets 47 shots, shooting 44gn at 865fps on 270 bar fill.
I also had Derrick switch out the butt stock to save a little weight. See enclosed pic of guns' balance point.
Evol is in like new condition. I just don't shoot it, and it's way too awesome to sit. The trigger on these Evols are a dream.
Comes with original box, 3 mags (1 original, 2 CARM). Scope, rings, bipod are not included. No trades. Priced to sell at $2175 shipped, insured, signature required. PP f&f, or you cover fees.





WTS Daystate Red Wolf HP .25 with MTC and Trident / Price drop

For sale: Daystate Red Wolf HP .25 cal. Rifle comes with an MTC Viper Pro 5-30x50 and a Trident moderator. The rifle hasn’t had more than two tins shot through it. I’d rate 9.8 out of 10. Everything added up retails for around $3,500. Asking $2,400 which includes paperwork, charger and shipping Conus. I accept PayPal G&S Final price dropA532226B-DF3D-409D-9D7A-81AE3EFED35F.jpeg03930828-FF6D-4993-AFBB-028A88CA5AEF.jpeg05165007-1A86-4930-9B9F-EBB2CF30FD15.jpeg4CD17A18-7D38-48FB-9CCB-8F8EE19593D5.jpeg368B7BB9-E602-4B21-88E4-B51728B39FEC.jpegDC277EDA-9B61-41F8-9752-BF2BE61D1E99.jpeg0669CCBB-CB4C-4AAF-9DCA-105BE491CD8B.jpeg14E1279F-74B4-4585-B1D0-6F18AA7022A9.jpeg

SOLD 【SOLD】FX Impact Extended Quick Disconnector with Elbow/90 Degree Foster Fitting

This tailor-made stainless steel extended quick disconnector with elbow/90 degree foster fitting makes it much easier for those airguns with hard to reach fill nipples. A must have for FX Impacts or other airguns with fill port at bottom, or when you on bench shooting and don't want to move the rifle to fill air.

Listing price $45 shipped conus. I prefer PayPal F&F or add 3.5%, also accept Venmo. No trade, thank you!

  • Total length 2.5 inches with 1.20 inches Extended Release collar
  • Male foster fitting rotates to any direction
  • Max working pressure 5000 psi
  • Extra o-ring included
I have 580cc 300bar bottles for sale, please check my other listing.
580cc 300bar bottle with FX M3 valve








SOLD Edgun Leshiy 2 .25 250mm $2000 Firm

SN. 8177
02–21-2022 $2049.00
Extra Mag $90.00X2 $180.00
Magnetic mag holders X’s 3 $120
Reg adjusting tool. $25.00
Digital reg gauge
Hornet Moderator 50 $365 EdgunWest
Comes with original box, packaging and all original parts
Scope is not included!
Total of $2739 invested. 4 months old. No trades No holds
I pay shipping to lower 48, you pay PayPal fees!



SOLD Fx impact .22

Original fx impact converted to mk2, power plenum, large capacity mag etc, rifle has 700mm superior heavy barrel, carbon fiber barrel sleeve, slug power kit, bridges dual transfer port, saber tactical extended rail, stainless steel bolt kit, krawford and lypt buttstock with bag rider, Donny sumo, utg swat 4x16 illuminated reticle scope, 580cc bottle,1200 luman light, atlas clone bipod and I’m sure I am forgetting something. I called this beauty my night stalker, killed many skunks, coons and possums with this and it is lights out accurate shooting 3/4” or less groups at 75yds, the current tune is shooting 31.2g nsa slugs @ 1050fps, so if your looking for a night time coyote hunter this is it the only trade I would be interested in would be a edgun leshiy 2. Does not come with original fx hard case but will ship in a case, already had questions about the buying the rifle without the scope, this is a package deal not separating

$1600 shipped firm PayPal f&f








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AirArms S500 XS Problem

I have a brand new S500 Carbine XS, which I bought from PA about 2 years ago. Only shot maybe 10 pellets through it, when it first arrived. It worked perfectly and on high power it was shooting properly. Now I pulled it out after a year, still holding air fully all the while. But with a full charge, on high, it barely pushes the pellet out. It's now running 200 fps via both chronys. I shot about 20 pellets to see if it needed to settle for some reason but no, still barely shooting. Any idea what might be happening? Of course I'll send it right back to PA as soon as they will answer, but I've waited on hold for service now for several days now and haven't yet reached anyone.


NLA Kalibrgun Cricket 2 Tactical 60 .22

I bought this off of the forum because of the SC stock. It was stated as shoots “very well” however after receiving it appears that the pellet port was massaged to the point of where pellets try to drop thru and it there fore jams. Since I have no interest in a slug only gun I wish to recoup what I can and move on. The gun does shoot but as far as accuracy I have no idea. Comes with what you see in the pictures. Pictures appear to have thread protector on barrel but it does not.$1150 shipped. I have someone interested in just the stock so will sell for $875 for just the gun if that deal works out

Sparrow issues made difficult by gramma!

I’ve got sparrow problems, and it’s only because of a 80 year old gramma that freaking loves all birds.
Long story short I have put up swallow nesting boxes and successfully defended them from all comers, starlings and sparrows.
You can see the male sparrow on the wire near the pole.
They have displaced two families of swallows so far, and there’s only six boxes.
For three years I’ve made it possible for the swallows to gain a foot hold here.
Then the dilemma… the landlord’s parents have moved in next door.
And the mom doesn’t understand that invasive species are decimating the song bird population.
I shot a starling and she went ballistic… have you ever been the target of a stream of F-bombs coming from gramma?
At one point she briskly walked up to me like she was going to slap me lol.
I asked her if she was going to hit me and she said “ someone should “
I have full permission to do what I want here as far as pesting, the landlord loves shooting and so I’m pretty safe.
The mom has dementia and is driving everyone nuts, including family.
So I’m being extremely careful about sniping the sparrows to not disturb her if possible.
So a few minutes ago I saw her go into the house and I quickly and quietly RedWolfed the female of a pair of sparrows!
And got it into the dumpster without being discovered.
Successful pesting is so satisfying!

Yep…Weihrauch is better than Air Arms…sorry not sorry

So after owning both a Weihrauch HW98 + 2 HW95s and an Air Arms TX200…I can conclude that after seeing the internals of both and their firing cycles+accuracy…the HW98 is the better rifle. My TX200 has a smoother action sure (it’s got a V-Mach kit and all polished internals with a brand new seal from ARH)…but it really doesn’t matter to me since the design is plainly less desirable to me. My HW98 is practically stock aside from some Krytox. In my eyes the Weihrauchs are built to last while the AAs require the aid of their lifetime warranty. I wish this not to be slander…I’m just speaking from my own experience. Yours may differ. If you’re stuck between an HW98/HW97K or an Air Arms TX200…then go with the Weihrauch. I give you my word that no stock TX200 can outperform a stock HW98 or HW97K in accuracy. Only thing the AA will outperform the Weihrauch in is no spring sound and a smoother shot cycle. Then again a small bottle of Krytox will take the spring buzz noise away and is only $20. The TX200 goes for $700 without tax while the HW97K is selling for $500 total on Krale. You can be the judge of which one is worth it.

Edit: I should mention that there is a reason why Steve from AEAC asked to keep the blue laminate HW97 he reviewed but did not do the same for the TX200 he reviewed. Don’t quote me on it though.

