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Marketing safety: branded air-gun safety gear?

I've been trying to think of a way to help increase air-gun safety industry without being too overt about it. You know, so we don't end up being targeted for government regulation.

One of the ideas that I think would be feasible is for air-gun companies to promote things like trigger locks.

"Daisy Trigger Lock: An essential for any young shootist!" I think that if parents start seeing those on the shelves at Wal-Mart right next to the rifles, that they might take gun safety more seriously. Or maybe even include the lock in the box? Obviously, they'd be real locks and not toys. It gives a more realistic feel for safety and gives the parents an extra level of safety.

Maybe even include branded gun lockers? I doubt full gun safes would be feasible, but a simple steel locker might suffice.

This is also aimed more at the "introductory" air-guns for younger shooters

Any thoughts?

Tuning  Low fps the first 10 shots FX impact mk2 compact.25

I have a weird problem on My impact mk2 i need to shoot about 10 shots befor it get Up to Speed if i left it over night.
Its currently tuned to shoot 30grain h&n slugs in 932-935 and the regulator is about 135-140bar the Valve adjuster between 4and3 and hammer is set to match the regulator. When i left it over night it usaly shoots around 910 and climb up to 935 in 10 shots.
The regulator stays on the same pressure all Night. I tested to degas the gun before I shot it and the it shot about 925 but still I hade to shoot a couple of shots befor I get up to speed.
Any one got an idea what am doing wrong?

Air Weapon Report by NIH

Homicide Using an Air Weapon​

Benjamin Mogni, MD and Sarah Maines, MD

Interesting reading. Obviously not on "our side" of the issues but regardless, safety is important to everyone and most if not all of these deaths shouldn't have happened.
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SOLD $1100 Match Guns MGH1 Mechanical 10m Air Pistol by Cesear Morini XL RH mint

Match Guns MGH1 Mechanical 10m Air Pistol by Cesear Morini in mint condition as new with two cylinders (dated 2021-2031) purchased new last Fall from New England Airguns for around $1385 (they are sold out at the moment). Grip is very nice, right hand and XL (and I have XL hands). The loading mechanism is superb, very consistent. I just photographed and inspected it, did a few shots. Holding air perfectly and not a mark on it.

Their info is:
  • Direct air to chamber technology
  • Trigger: adjustable blade position. Total trigger pull up to 500-520 g. up to 450g for dead travel. up to 70g for release force.
  • Dry Fire: Yes in "T" position
  • Rear sight adjustable 2.5mm-5.0mm.
  • Optional stabilizer weights.
  • Shot Count = 200 @ 200 bar fill.
  • Length = 420mm barrel = 240mm
    Weight = 950g
Includes: ABS case, adapter for recharge, spare cylinder, set of allen keys for dismantling and calibration, instruction book with group test.

Anyway I am just a plinker with diminishing eyesight and never finished my first tin of wadcutters. Will sell for $1100 net to me plus domestic shipping, via USPS Money Orders or discrete PayPal friends and family (or add 3% for goods and services). I'm a photographer near Rochester, NY and have a lot of feedback on several photo and airgun forums. Happy to FaceTime, text, etc. Also have more photos, please send me your email address so I can send them to you. Thanks!








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SOLD Selling Air Arms TX200 .177 cal with V-Mach kit and more…

I’ve got this tuned TX200 here that I would like to trade. It’s got a V-Mach kit with a custom fitting guide rod and an ultra tightly fit brass top hat. It was sleeved but I decided to undo the sleeve because the shot cycle was weird. It’s got a couple marks on the stock from the previous owner…God forbid I ever damage a stock. Close up pics can be given if asked. I also have multiple springs for it including the factory spring and an older vortek. Scope not included. $595 shipped PayPal F&F or pay fees.


Why do so many people find the Classified Rules hard?

I don’t want to rant, but…

I’ve been reading a number of posts lately which start out wondering why the individual can’t reply to the Classifieds. Fine. I understand why that can catch one out at first.

What I don’t understand is why, after they get the rules pointed out to them, a significant number (not all) then go on to complain that they want to sell stuff, and buy stuff, and why should it take so long, and blah, blah, blah.

When I first found AGN I lurked because it was a treasure trove of knowledge and information about airguns. Then I joined because I had a few questions and needed to be a member to ask them. I found people to be most helpful, especially if you made it clear that you were asking questions because you did not know stuff, and you wanted to learn and get multiple opinions. As a result, by the time I discovered the Classified section I was well past 10 posts. My first purchase on here was from Douger. He was helpful in explaining to me how it worked (You mean I have to pay you first, by PayPal, and THEN you send me the stuff? How do I know it will be sent? Etc., etc.). I learned about feedback, and how to check for people’s reputation. I still have that first scope I got from him and I haven’t looked back since. I’ve bought and sold a ton of stuff over the last couple years with no issue. I am careful About who I buy from, and who I sell to, but generally if you avoid the obvious scammers things go smoothly.

Honestly folks, it ain’t that hard. I really encourage everyone new person to place the emphasis on the knowledge and advice available, and only secondarily to focus on it being a shopper’s/seller’s paradise.


NLA FX Impact MK2 silver .25

Looking to tsell my impact mk2, the impact is currently shooting 29g nsa slugs at 960fps, has 700mm superior heavy barrel, carbon fiber sleeve, slug power kit, bridged duel transfer port, extra mags, and hardshell case, no scope or bipod. I did have this up for trade but didn’t get offered any trades I wanted, the only trade I would consider is for a edgun matador or Layla.
$1500 shipped PayPal f&f


NLA Condor 25cal

Looking to sale my Airforce condor 25cal. 600$ and buyer pays shipping. No scope,bipod comes with it. Just the gun and moderator. Moderator has a few marks on it, but doesn't affect it any. It's got the top hat upgrade . Mad Dog custom stock. Shoots great. Just wanting to raise money for another gun. If interested you can text me at 903-348-8735. Thanks for looking.

Peanut thieves !!

i have a big cardinal colony that i feed and several red-bellied woodpeckers i give whole peanuts to.
well, this pest came right out to the woodpecker's breakfast table this morning and boy did he get a
wake up call !!!
then about 20 minutes later his girlfriend showed up also robbing my WP's peanuts, then she got the same
treatment from the crown mk2 and hybrids.
any other criminals coming ?

Slugs VS Pellets, whats your view?

I will admit, while I didn't get sucked into the FX specific marketing , for some reason I found myself chasing shooting slugs , so in a way I guess I did fall victim.

I had to think really hard about the type of shooting ill be doing a majority of the time... Nothing really past 125 yards. So why do I need slugs? My pesting with pellets is more than sufficient, ethical, and ammo is cheap. My target shooting is the same and the ammo is still cheap.

My alpha wolf is putting out 50 fpe with pellets and same hole accuracy at 50 yards with 10 shots. My taipan long I just sold was slinging 33.95 .25 MOA at 125 yards at 60fpe.

Are we falling victim to the marketing or do many of us actually need slugs with our .22/.25 rifles? Nobody has released any long term wear results on the rifles pushing the new impacts past 1000 fps on a regular basis either....

Now with that said, don't get me wrong, I still have a desire to shoot slugs long range.... some day I will.
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18gr JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy vs Exact Heavy

At some point over the last year or so, I realized the 18gr JSB pellet BCs increased for the better. I used to use 0.033-0.035, but now I'm seeing a minimum of 0.042 like Strelok has in their projectile database (as high as 0.046 inside ~50y in certain conditions). I don't ever recall the 18gr having this high of a BC.

Then I realized that there are two separate pellet profiles in Strelok and elsewhere. One being called "Exact Heavy" and the other "Exact Jumbo Heavy". Are these actually two differing pellets?

A great reason why bigger is better!!

Took the aea zeus 72cal out for some deer control. Everything looked good when I pulled the trigger but after seeing the deer the shot was kinda far back. But using a big slug like the 72cal the deer still didn't even run 20 yards.. I believe the same shot with a smaller caliber gun and I probably wouldn't have found it. I happy Everything worked out but it goes to show the poop does happen when you hunting.

Weeding out scammers

This is over hashed I know but maybe you selling veterans can chime in on ways you weed out scammers. I have an LCS up on multiple boards right now. Ignoring the fact you may not want it, I’m getting almost exclusively interest that seems scammy. Examples include “Hello
I’m interested in getting your item
Is it still available?” “I’m an oceanographer at sea right now…..”. Basically all BS. I am trying not to be rude or miss real buyers but not waste my time typing reply’s to scammers. How do you all weed out? It seems any real people will offer something. “I’ve been dreaming about that sk-19. Does it really vaporize a watermelon?” Kind of thing. Emails asking about price or shipping first with no shooting talk seems like obvious BS.
