Losing interest?

I personally look at smartphones as a decease, or at best a addiction, and i am amazed by all the people t hat cant even put it in the pocket, but have to carry it in hand ready for action.
I am looking forward to when i no longer have to carry the one i have ATM, CUZ i do not have it for myself, it is solely there for my dear old mother.

Never liked Gyms or the people there, but when i was in my mid 20ties i did go with friends for a few years, and wasted my time CUZ was not at all able to gain weight back then.
And when you work out with guys 2 X your size ( literally ) well it do get a bit boring, though i could easy beat them in leg exercises and also dead lift weights they did not belive skeleton in skin sack me could lift.
CUZ i was pretty active back then, and they was large dead beats.

Freaking daisy cutters that's a BEAUTIFUL canon! 🤗
I've been riding since I was pre-teen, bought my first sportbike in 1989, a 600cc Ninja and still riding. I used to ride in any weather, well almost. When I was living in Wisconsin as long as it was above 40 degrees I'd take it out. Now still love it but more picky about the weather I ride in lol...Been shooting since I was 10. Same thing, before I'd shoot anytime anywhere but this past summer when it was 112+ degrees I took a pass. The one hobby I never get tired of and whether rain or shine, 110+ degrees or -20 degrees, the one hobby I never get bored of and can never get enough of is SEX!
For me it has been family matters as a sister passed away, and the rest of us have been spending quite a bit time together.
Work at home, and at work has been crazy dealing with storm preparation and clean up etc.
Then when I have pulled a gun out it's a steam bath out side, I had to add a hair dryer to my shooting bench to deal with sweating guns and scope lenses. Half of the shoots that i have had have been on the Red Ryders with the grandkids lately.
you can build this at very low cost , a garage sale cooler or Styrofoam one and for ice milk bottles frozen in your freezer . vid is for idea only .

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I'm not loosing interest, I just have nothing to shoot. Western Wa is devoid of game. All the daries are 3 hours away and my shooting range is 1 1/2 hours away. I am driving 3 hours to my daries in the morning but that is getting real old. No one is interested in going with me. I have a short 20 yard range on the side of my house to zero and chrono.
I mostly shoot @ 20 yards , know your limits target is a real challenge . and easy to DIY
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Got a break in the rain long enough that my shooting station could dry off.

First shot in over a month, directly out of the case. I decided to load a standard jsb 25.4 diabolo which are cruising at a lowly 955 fps.

Not bad since I'm shooting off just the bipod and on my old, rickety card table I use as a shooting bench lol. 40 yards to target.

View attachment 498398
Which gun is this?
I've noticed lol. The revere really made me realize that even high end guns can sometimes not scratch the itch.

I'm digging that atomic you have though. Or a bantam XR would be sweet.

Just shot 2 one hundred bull cards today with my Brocock Bantam, old fashioned bolt action, it did very well, I'm falling in love... :love:
Just shot 2 one hundred bull cards today with my Brocock Bantam, old fashioned bolt action, it did very well, I'm falling in love... :love:
The older I get the more I'm drifting towards the pistol grip style guns vs traditional. The brococks are a top tier gun with the tactical/pistol styling.
Seems like others, including myself, aren't posting as much lately.

I've kind fallen off the last few weeks for various reasons, but a lot of topics just don't seem as interesting anymore. Old hat I guess.
The only thing that keeps my interest up is competition. The goal to beat my competitors and to make myself and my rifles shoot better is probably unreachable, but it fun to work on it.
For me the interest waxes from Spring through Autumn, in Winter it wanes. I still shoot but not nearly as much, its simply too 🥶… Hobbies aren’t supposed to be ”all encompassing“ or necessarily cost a fortune. There are many airguns out there that simply get it done for the majority of users at multiple price points. So there’s always a PCP out there for those who like “the chase”… For myself, less is more, learning through use what I do with my PCPs has kept me sober in this game. My wants are more pellets, a direct fill HPA compressor and more time to enjoy it all…🙏