I have the compact version and was wondering in anyone is having sucesss making these things quiet. I was checking out the hornet mod 50 but was curious what noise levels to expect. I have my leshiy 2 compact in the classifieds but if I can come up with a cheap way to get this thing quiet enough I might just keep it. If anyone has shot a stock tiapan veteran compact .22 this is the level of quiet im going for. I don't do alot of shooting but I need something I can shoot squirrels from my deer stand and not scare away Bambi. Thanks in advance for any replies.
Have you had someone else shoot your gun while your standing 20 yards away? I have the Huma 40 on my 250 and 350 barrels. It seems loud to me when I shoot it but it doesn’t sound any louder than my other guns when you stand a few yards away. It is the action of the Leshiy that you hear and the air blast around the magazine and rear of the stock moderator. I have hammer action rifles that the hammer hitting the valve make a lot of noise that resonate through the stock up into my ear that bothers me more than the Leishy. Will you get a Leshiy down to less than 85 dbls. In compact form? Perhaps but I’ll bet it will still sound louder than another rifle measuring the same reading. Try having someone shoot both your guns outside, stand 20 yards away at different sides and angles and then judge how loud they are . Believe me a deer will hear both your guns as a strange noise in the woods and will be aware of your presence. If you want better success hunting deer, then hunt deer.
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