"Imold"Marcella have you received those bullets from MrHollowpoint yet? If so can you put a pic up of the 95gr epp.

There is no 95 gr eep in the sample pack I got from Mr. Hollowpoint. (There is the 85 gr EPPG; fourth from the left.) From left to right: 75 gr; 80 gr; 85 gr; 85 gr EPPG; 93 gr; 100 gr; 116 gr; 120 gr. I’m sure Robert will throw together any mix sample pack you want. He’s a great guy and is a real craftsman.

"Imold"Ok it was the 85gr epp and the 93 that caught my attention.
He gave me a different list.75-80-85pug-85-100 is what he offered to me for the RAW .357.....
The weight SD of his cast bullets are actually lower than the JSBs! I am waiting on delivery of a caliper so I can compare the diameter tolerances. I’ll keep you posted.He charged me $35 for 10 ea of the eight types of bullets (80 total). He spotted me shipping because he said these rounds are experimental in the RAW .357 regulated in that he has no data on them in the RAW (and I promised to give him a review!)
"Imold"I'll order mine in a few weeks. That 93gn is interesting.
Actually, the 85 gr EPPG would probably be your best bet. It is closer in weight to the 80.12 gr JSB to which the RAW .357 regulated is tuned. Plus, the EPPG configuration may give better stability at distances over 50 yards. Plus, plus, it's a HOLLOWPOINT! This is the the reason I ordered the party pak from Robert Vogel AKA Mr. Hollowpoint; I wanted a good hunting round.
"Imold"For some reason I think it's a set limit or else he would have dozens of assemblies sitting on the pressure hold testing table, have to watch the video and pause it when they show the table with them lined up doing the pressure test and count them.......
Wow, you should be a forensic accountant! Martin probably plays it by ear to a certain extent.